Senior Information
- Senior STEM Projects are required to include a written report and an oral presentation by the end of grade 12. Guidance can be found below.
- Civics Test - All high school students must demonstrate that they have met the state civics and government standard by successfully completing a civics test. Resources to study for this test are below.
As a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) high school, Bingham Academy has chosen to have seniors complete their projects with a STEM emphasis. Senior projects have a written and oral presentation portion and both must be passed with a 75% or higher in order to meet this requirement and be eligible for graduation.
Please consult the Guidance document and rubrics below for more information.
All secondary students must demonstrate that they have met the state civics and government standard by successfully completing the civics test. Bingham Academy uses the most up-to-date 2020 version of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' Civics Test.
Study materials for this can be found below. The study materials include the complete list of 128 civics questions and answers for the 2020 version of the test. They also include easy-to-use flash cards of the 128 civics questions and answers which can be used by students for self-study to prepare.