STEM is in Bingham Academy's DNA!
STEM is an acronym that stands for: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It doesn't just mean that we offer classes in those subjects though. Instead, being a STEM school means that we work to integrate those subjects into every aspect of our school. We integrate technology into as many classes as we can. We recognize that many aspects of everyday life include principles from science, engineering, and mathematics, so we work to incorporate aspects of those subjects into all the classes. 21st century careers require 21st century skills. STEM also means that our students learn to collaborate to solve real world problems and seek to demonstrate and explain their learning.
We were the first STEM accredited/designated high school in Idaho, a distinction we earned in 2018. One of the other ways we encourage our students in STEM is to assist them in earning an Idaho STEM diploma. Follow the link to learn more about the benefits of a STEM diploma.